Draycote Water Fireball Fleet
Draycote Water
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There have been Fireballs at Draycote since the club was opened in 1970. The popularity of the boat meant that the fleet quickly became popular, and we're still here 54 years on.

Draycote is ideal for Fireballs, with a large expanse of water and very little by way of hills or foliage to interrupt the wind before it gets to you. Unlike most other inland waters, Draycote is at the top of a hill and enjoys comparitively clear air. Great for those long spinnaker reaches...

We enjoy good class racing, and run 'A' and 'B' fleets so you don't have to take on our hotshots straight away. Although most Fireballs built in the last 30 years are still competitive and quite capable of winning races anyway. It's just a matter of pointing it in the right direction and keeping the mast vaguely upright.

If you are considering sailing a Fireball at Draycote, get in touch or come and pay us a visit - you can be sure of a warm welcome.